Leadership Board Minutes October 2022

Minutes from a meeting of

Haygood United Methodist Church

Leadership Board (HUMC LB)

October 18, 2022, 6:30 p.m.


Attendees: Bill Slingerland, Sharon Jenkins, Kristie Farris, Jennifer Young, Kennis Sigmon, Joe Ford, Phyllis Porter, Ceska Tripoli, Pat Morgan, Kristin Fogle, Kyle Smith, Beth Fite, Mike LaRock (Lay Leader/Chair), Mike Fogle (Assoc Lay Leader), Beth Givens (Senior Pastor). Absent: None.

Welcome/Opening Prayer:
The meeting was opened by Mike LaRock and guests were welcomed.

Spiritual Formation:
Jennifer Young led us in our spiritual formation which was based on Ecclesiastics 3:1 and reveals the importance of seasons. We are blessed to enjoy all four seasons in this area of the country and they are each beautiful in their own way.  Galatians 6:9 also reminds us to never grow weary of doing good.

Leadership Equipping:

Pastor Beth led us in an exercise of reviewing the dream cards that had been filled out by the congregation.  There were several recurring themes which we focused on.


Vital Signs - new people:

Information was included in the packet.  We don't have data on new people overall and there haven't been any new people since our last meeting. 


Offerings have increased from last year.


Goals Review/Accountability:

1)    Goal Driven Agenda and mindset:  This is now in place.

2)    Develop Measurable Strategic Communication plan to better inform Congregation:  Bill is working on an article that will be sent out to the congregation.

3)    Development and Deployment of Ministry Teams

a)    PHAT Team by June 10, Audit by September 1:  The team will meet again next week and is focusing on the vision and mission of the church that came from the NLI process.  It will also focus on the dreams presented on the cards mentioned above.  

b)    Communications team by July, Audit by 10/1:  The team has begun meeting and is looking for volunteers to start in January.

c)     Ministry Audit team by fall, Audit by 12/31:  This team will begin meeting in January.

d)    Chapel worship team by 6/10:  We have had two services in the chapel with an attendance of approximately 50 people at each service.

e)     TBD - Crossroads: The timeline has not been established

f)     Connections Team:  The first PICO with the Pastor was September 18 and was successful.  The next PICO with the Pastor will be November 6.

4)    Strength finders:  We have received a few more surveys.

5)    Assess Community in Jan 1, 2023: This will be done in January 2023.


Packet and Consent Calendar: 
The packet items were approved.


Generative and Strategic Work:

1)    Charge conference:  Charge conference will be November 29 at 6:30 p.m. with the District Superintendant. We need everyone to be there.

2)    ASP: ASP is having a youth summit in Jonesville, VA in January and we have nominated four youth to attend.  They should be receiving their emails soon.

3)    Resolution: The City of Virginia Beach will be issuing a resolution November 1 making Sign Wars and annual event and we are mentioned in the resolution.

4)    Preschool Vision Report: Our preschool started as a half-day ministry to the community, but is now a full day part preschool/part daycare but mostly preschool.  We are looking at how we can best meet the needs of the community, especially our military community.   


Closed Session--Staffing


We will move forward toward a charge conference seeking to use the Oliver Endowment Principal for major repairs to the chapel as is provided for in the Endowment agreement. We will send a letter to the Oliver Family inviting them to the meeting. Per the agreement, they will have an opportunity to speak but do not have a vote. We will work with the DS to combine this with the November 29 Charge Conference.


Summary/ Open Discussion:

·      Charge conference will be November 29 at 6:30 p.m.

·      Teams are looking at the dream cards submitted by the congregation and as well as the vision and mission from the NLI process.

The Church has nominated four youth to attend an ASP Youth Leadership Summit in Jonesville, VA in January.

·      Preschool is looking at how best to meet the needs of the community.

·      We have hired Joan Pi as our new music director and will be filling two other positions.

·      We recommended approval of Pastor Beth's salary and housing allowance for next year.

·      We will move forward toward a charge conference regarding the Oliver Endowment.


The meeting was closed with a prayer led by Pastor Beth at 8:04 p.m.

The next meeting will be November 15 at 6:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Carol Eugley


Leadership Board Minutes November 2022


Leadership Board Minutes September 2022